The Visual Arts Issue - Solutions

The Most Visited Museum in the World

1.F A royal residence   2.T  3.F 1541   4.F wife of Francis' second son  5.T  6.F Napoleon III   7.F during the reign of the Paris Commune.  8.F In late 17th century  9. F Louis XV  10.T   11. F French Renaissance  12.F From the church
13. T  14.T  15.F the pyramid.  16. F   17. F  Francois Mitterrand  18. F  Around 15.000

Andy’s Pop Art 

1.ArtScience Museum   2.They have activties for children.  3.The exhibition is made for children, the labels and pictures are lower on the wall to meet children’s eyes, the door or entryway is specially for children.
4. Assemble an activity box to take home.
Attend a silkscreen workshop
Do manual crafts
Hang your drawing/paiting on a creative corner

The Popularity of Art

1.F People believe that there’s something special about it.  2.F The room which houses the Mona Lisa is crowded with people holding cameras like paparazzi trying to get a picture of a small rectangle on a wall behind bulletproof glass.       3.T   4.F This is a supposition   5.T  6.T     7.F Different songs become popular in these different histories.   8. F  After you meet a basic standard of quality, chance is the thing.  9.T   10. T

Full Transcript:

The Art Student’s Puzzle

Across:   1.landscape  3.model  5.watercolor  6.brush  8.symmetry  10.exhibition  11.drawing  12.pallete  14.frame  16.acrylic  19.complementary 22.color wheel  26.paint  28.collage  29.painting  31.Primary  32.shade  33.mural  34.sketch  35.medium  36.horizon  37.monochromatic
Down:  2.Abstract  3.masterpiece  4.stencil  7.hue  9.contemporary  13.warm
14.focal point  15.portrait  18.still life  21.seascape  22.canvas  23.background  24.foreground  27.tint  28.composition

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