Banana Pancakes - Jack Johnson

Song, video & conversation activity

Length : 3.00 min   -  source:

1.Complete the missing verbs in the lyrics with words from the box.
Watch the Live clip from studio and check your work.

waking      pretend         pay         pick      fits    sleep
make          see      close      go       ringing             doing      need

You hardly even notice
When I try to show you this.
Song is meant to keep you
From ...................what you're supposed to.
Like ....................up too early
Maybe we can
I'll banana pancakes
Pretend like it's the weekend now.

And we could all the time.
Can't you ...................that it's just raining?
Ain't no need to ......................outside.

But just maybe, laka ukulele
Mommy made a baby.
I really don't mind the practice
'cause you're my little lady.
Lady, lady love me.
I love to lay here lazy.
We could .......................the curtains
Pretend like there's no world outside.

And we could pretend it all the time...

The telephone is singing's too early.
Don't up.
We don't need to, we got everything
We .......................right here.
And everything we need is enough.
Just so easy
When the whole world ........................inside of your arms.
Don't really need to ......................attention to the alarm.
Wake up slow, wake up slow.

2.Discussion: discuss the questions below and give examples or justify your views.

  • Do you like the rain? Do rainy days make you feel different? How?
  • What do you like to do on a rainy day?
  • What are some of your daily activities you cannot do when it rains?
  • What do people usually do where you live?
  • If you had to choose a movie to watch, what genre would you prefer?
  • Do you like cooking or eating anything special when it rains?
  • What kind of music is best for a rainy day? Why?
  • Are you afraid of the rain?

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