Dream Idioms

Vocabulary activity

English has several idiomatic expressions related to dreams and dreaming. These are a few popular ones.

A dream come true: a wish or hope that was realised.

American dream: the idealistic notion that Americans are preoccupied with obtaining certain materialistic goals.

Bad dream or nightmare: a terrible situation to go through.

Broken dreams: wishes or desires that cannot be fulfilled.

Chase a dream: to actively pursue something that you want to happen.

Daydream: to have daytime fantasies about someone or something.

Dream on!: something that you say to someone who has just told you about something they are hoping for, in order to show that you do not believe it will happen.

In your dreams!: something that you say to someone who has just told you about something they are hoping for, in order to show that you do not believe it will happen.

Live/be in a 'dream world': to constantly be thinking about what you would like to happen rather than what is happening.

Pipe dream: a wish that is impossible or very unlikely to come true.

Sweet dreams: an expression to say good night.

Wouldn’t dream of doing: would not even consider doing something.

Complete the following sentences with words related to the idioms above:

1.Her new job is........................................: the people are great, the work is interesting and the salary is amazing.
A:Can I borrow some money to buy new clothes?
B:What?? ........................................!
3.My ...................................... is to become a rock star.
4.So sad, she’s not very realistic so her life is full of .....................................
5.She’s a very popular painter and her pictures have brought her riches beyond her ................................
6.John is living the ................................: a great wife, the two kids and a beautiful house in the suburbs
7.I have to stop living .................................! If I want to graduate I’ll have to study harder.
8. I hope you ................................ of travelling without  medical insurance, it’s too risky.

9.She told me she wants to marry a movie star, so i said “.........................................!”
10.My favorite place to ................................. is during the bus ride to work.
11.It was a .................................... to finish the project on time. We ended up with a headache!
12.She’s .......................... big dreams but very determined and I have no doubt that she will succeed.

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