The Medical Terms Puzzle

2. I tripped on a toy and hurt my leg. I have a huge, ugly ...
4. If you are sick you should ... a doctor.
6. A specific disease or illness like diabetis is also called a ...
9. If you think you are running a ..., then you should take your temperature.
10. A stomach ache is a ... in the stomach.
13. A condition contrary to normal functioning and typically manifested by a symptom. 15. A dog bit me on the leg. Look I have a white ...
16. My Tooth ached so much that the dentist gave me a ... to help me feel better (2 words).
20. A pain in a tooth.
24. I got a doctor's ... tomorrow at 3.
25. I was distracted when I was cutting onions and now I have a knife ...
26. I can't stop sneezing, I think I'm catching a ...
27. Some practices are not covered by ... insurance.
30. We got so enthusiastic at the game last night and cheered the team all along. Now I have a ... (2 words).

1. A substance or preparation used in treating a disease is called ...
3. Some people eat hot chicken soup when they have the ...
5. I fell off my bike and ... my ankle.
7. Some medicines are not sold without a ...
8. the feeling of throwing up is called ...
11. Check if the medication has any ... since you may have unexpected complications (2 words).
12. A ... of the common flu is a high temperature.
14. A pain in the ear.
17. A ... is a doctor's assistant.
18. Children usually get several ... against possible illnesses.
19. There were several people waiting at the doctor's ...
21. My leg is broken and I have to wear a ... for 30 days.
22. The doctor asked the patient to come into the ... room for a check up.
23. A cold compress is commonly a home ... to aliviate a fever.
25. After the car accident, people were immediately taken to the hospital ...
28. A pain in the head.
29. When you ..., you expel air from the lungs with an explosive noise.

Answers here!

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