It’s all true! Reading takes time... But when you study a language, reading  is sort of important.  The easiest way to learn to love to read is reading for pleasure. This is different from the reading you do for study. When you read for pleasure, you choose the book that you read and you will not be tested about it. All you have to do is enjoy the book!

Guidelines for Choosing a Pleasure Reading Book
  1. Go to the Easy-Reading section at the library. Choose a book for INTERMEDIATE level, which interests you*.
  2. Preview a book to help you decide if you want to read it.
  3. Choose a book which is not too easy or too difficult.
  4. Remember, you are reading for pleasure!
  5. Avoid reading a book if you have already seen the movie, and do not choose a book that you have already read in a different language.
  6. Plan your reading:  read a certain number of pages or for a certain amount of time every day or whenever you have some free time. Divide the book into sections and decide by when each section must be read. 
  7. After you finish a book, fill in a book response sheet.
*You may read your book in the original but the intention of this assignment is to become fluent in English reading, and to have an enjoyable reading experience. A simplified version will help you do that.

Book Response Sheet

Title of Book : ____________________________
Author: ___________________________
Publisher: _______________  Date Published: _______
Number of Pages: _____    Types of Book:  Fiction  -  Nonfiction
Why did you choose this book?
What did you like best about this book?
What did you like least about this book?
Level of difficulty for you: _____ Easy _____ OK _____ Difficult

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